2022, a great year for God-loving convos!



HELLO, and thanks so much for stopping by DonKeySpeaksUp for a visit!    

So you want to know "ABOUT US".  Well, this may be shocking, but let me be real:  This brand was started in pursuit of vanity.  Huh?  Yep, it's true, but thankfully, God had other plans (doesn't He always?!!!), and He decided to use me in spite of myself.   Which I guess is the only way He can use any of us!  That's how He gets all of the glory...when something good comes out of our mess! 

Anyhow, here's the story:  I was tired of men getting gray hair and being called "distinguished", while women that turned the same shade were considered "old".  So in attempts to make silver "hip" for all of us that are "crowned with glory" (thanks God for writing Proverbs 16:31), I was looking for a cool hat that had a picture of a fox with the word "silver" next to it.  Because clearly, I am a "silver fox" HAHA!!!  (see, I wasn't kidding about the vanity...sorry!)

But smack dab in the middle of my search, God switched my focus and downloaded this entire God-centered company concept with the name, designs, verses, etc....all in about 40 minutes.  WHAT?  I wasn't looking for a new project, or another company to start.  But don't you know that is how our incredible God works.  He opens doors to the unimaginable, and all we have to do is walk through them.  So, I walked through, and what you see on the following pages are a portion of the project He set before me.  (LOTS more to come.)    

Since I was originally in pursuit of an animal design, my thoughts stayed on that path and I tried to make unexpected and clever pairings of single words with single animal head graphics.  The designs needed to be intriguing enough to get viewers to question them.  Since we are supposed to be "prepared to give an answer when someone asks",  we need tools to get people to...ask.  Well, God gave me the designs that do just that.  Here is an example of one at work:

I was standing at Caribou Coffee the other day (getting green-tea lemonade with sparkling water: DELISH) and a woman came right up to me with her ipad and said:  "Is that a rabbit on your shirt?  Do you know how many rabbits there are on Pinterest?  I'm researching them right now because I'm going to crochet one!"  My reply:  "Well yes it is!  And no, I had no idea how many rabbits are on Pinterest.  Would you like to know what this rabbit design means?"  "Sure", she said.  So, I told her:  "This is to remind me that God loves me so much that He has NUMBERED all of the HAIRS on my head.  And He loves you that much too!"  And that was it.  No stress.  No anxiety.  No pressure.  You see, it's simple to plant seeds...you just need to be prepared by carrying the seeds with you.  (In this case, God's Word.)  

The company name came from the first animal that God literally had speak in order to save a man’s life. (Check out the whole story in the Bible at Numbers 22:21-38…it’s pretty rad!).   But then when God broke down the name for me, it was perfectly inspired.  

"Don" means to wear or put on.  Wear the clothes, and put on the hats. 

"Key" means to unlock something of value.  God's Words are the treasure that we have the keys to unlock for people.  

"Speaks" means to communicate.  We speak about the love of God.  

So, that is the first chapter of the DonKeySpeaks story.  Now, God will continue writing it as you and I wear the items and kindly answer the inquiries of those that God brings along our paths.  

We are so stoked about the conversations you are going to have!  If you would like to share about how God used the DonKeySpeaks pieces in your life, please email us at:  HERE

We are praying for you!!!  

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